Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Jack Frost has arrived.

(Jack Frost from Hapers Weekly October 5, 1861)

at 3 pm Tue 12 June
Dunedin Airport AWS
Temperature: 10 °C
Wind Speed: 9 km/h
Wind Direction: SW
Rainfall (last hr): 0.0 mm
Humidity: 65 %
Pressure: 1012 hPa

24 hour period to 9 a.m. Tue 12 June
Min temp: -6 °C
Max temp: 8 °C

Up until now it's been relatively warm for the time of year. But two nights ago the frosts kicked in. For the last two days we've had clear blue skies and very little wind. That makes for a nice change from the stormy weather we had the weeks before. Now it's time to pull out the kayaks and paddle over to the Taiaroa Heads.

Unfortunately, I have 2 nights-worth of firewood left. I dread getting more, because getting it under the house is such a task. However, given that I'm reading The Worst Journey in the World (Apsley Cherry-Garrard), suffering a bit of cold might not be such a bad thing.

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